
The Rust Ways

Either you own it, or have a mutable reference to it, or have a shared reference to it. This language gave me a perspective on things even outside the realm of programming. What is it that I own? My finances? Well I better. My room, it is rented, so that own I not, but is it more of a shared reference. The company resources delegated to me, like servers, could be considered mutable references. I basically own them, except that I cannot drop them or move them somewhere else... I feel myself slowly slipping into insanity as the boundary between the real and virtual get blurrer in my mind...

The Rust Language

I've been writing in Rust a couple days and I can say that Rust is a nice language. Thanks to its ownership and borrow mechanisms, the semantics of a snippet of code can be very clear . And that's also one thing I like about Go, as compared to C++, in that the semantics of the code can't be mistaken as the language is so simple. But at the current version (rustc 1.19.0), there is an ergonomic issue regarding the match expression and borrow checker, that I want resolved before I really start using the language. It is represented by this issue  rfc#811  and I hope it would be resolved soon. The issue I encountered is: I want to look inside an enum value and move the value in certain condition, possibly to pack it in an Error object and pass it up. In order to use an enum type value you have to go through an match expression one way or other. So here is me trying my hand at a rudimentary assembler, ...again. enum Expr { Identifier { value: String, token: Token


 Bazel is a build automation tool from Google with an emphasis on correctness and speed .  You should use it, and spare other people the pain of having to read more Makefiles. Thank you.  And it's trivial  to use. See, I managed to build with Bazel a sample program dependent on the ICU4C and it only took an whole day to figure out how to write appropriate BUILD files.  To mark more of its glory, here is a part of the dependency graph of a project that you can generate from Bazel with its built-in query feature: Glory


It is true I've been at a distance with the contemporary digital technology since 1999. Only recently did I become aware that these emojis have come into wide use, and that they are called emojis, and they are not same as emoticons  that I knew. :o No, apparently gone are days when we expressed, littered, our electronic messages with those crude assortments of punctuations and simplistic symbols. Nowadays you don't do if they are not fully colored and shaded, can mean anything you can think of, and believe me, in Korea, they are animated. (I want to have an image of one here but copyrights.) And what staggers me is that in the western side of their implementation, they reflect... anthropology, of human races. Why? :S 🤷🏻‍♂️. I guess there's a reason why they are there. But, for me, a few squigglies and Chinese characters are enough pictograms for me to manage. People must think I'm an old fart. Now I know.

My First Blog Post

And what 'you think of that. Neat, huh? This is where words and pictures go, and they'll be all about ME. Finally a medium suitable for my sensibilities and expressive mind - Web-log (ca. 2000)! This is not me, but a picture I took this January. Till next time, adios and take care!